Forensic Fraud Research, Inc.
Dr. Janet M. Schwartz
President & Forensic Behavioral Scientist
P.O. Box 36058
Canton, OH 44735-6058
(330) 936-9998




Inquiries are most welcome. Please send your correspondence to the below address:


Forensic Fraud Research, Inc.

Dr. Janet Schwartz, President

P.O. Box 36058

Canton, OH 44735-6058



Case referrals

No professional fees will be assessed for “brokering” a case to pertinent local, state or federal agencies.


Reimbursement fees will be accepted for attendance at meetings, traveling expenses, etc.


Private consultation

For investigative matters that fall outside of the realm of Forensic Fraud Research, Inc. private consultation services are available. All consultations are strictly confidential.


Professional fees are determined per individual case.


Speaking engagements

Jan At the PodiumDr. Janet Schwartz would be pleased to speak to your group or organization on the topic, “Profiles in Corruption.” This Ohio crime buster paints a chilling portrait of the white collar criminal mind.


In her quest to follow her calling, there have been times when Jan Schwartz found herself being intentionally forced off the road. Her tires have been punctured, her telephone tapped, and her mail has been intercepted. Undaunted, Schwartz dedicates herself to forensic fraud research, risking her own safety to eliminate white collar organized crime.


Jan would be pleased to speak to your group on topics such as Psychology of White-Collar Criminals, Aspiring to the Best Practices Standard of Living, Overcoming Resistance on the Local Level, Transforming Corruption on the Local Level, and Tools for Navigating Narcissistic Warfare.

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